Leukemia has now found a cure. What's the cure you ask? Using the patients blood to kill the cancer. They have tested this on three patients. Two of them are now cured, and one of them is doing better. I think that this is an AMAZING discovery and I want to help make it get better! If you or a loved one has Leukemia, please ask your doctor about and see what they think.
I was only 10 when I started the Cancer Club. I remember starting it at about the end of the school year, and then the next school year is about to start, it's amazing how fast the Cancer Club has grown! I have over 100 members and love them all! They are all unique! Now, here's the story on how I created the Club.
When i first joined a website, there were so many people concerning cancer everyone would say- An average person has 1,000 wishes, but a cancer patient only has one, to get better. 97% of people won't re-blog this or put it in their status. Be the 3% that will, because not many people are as lucky as we are, show that you care.<3
So people kept on saying that and I decided I needed to do something. Here I am now, and you reading this. I love you all, and please leave your comments below.